My name is Ron J. Albert and I’m the Safety Program Chair for the 2024-2025 year for the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Every Year the VFW sends out the Public Servant Award Citations for the Emergency Medical Technicians, Firefighters, Law Enforcement Personnel, 911 Dispatcher and Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician. We encourage you to submit as many candidates you believe should be recognized for their outstanding commitments, selfless service and sacrifice they provide and demonstrate to the community. The criteria for those awards are as follows:



            Any individual/group, who actively gives emergency medical treatment, provides rescue service or civil disaster assistance as a member of any public or volunteer company organized to give emergency medical care, provide rescue service or civil disaster assistance to our nation’s citizens.



            Any individual/group, who actively fights fires as a member of any public or volunteer company organized to fight fires and give assistance to our nation’s citizens.



            Any individual/group, who actively serves in a municipal, county, states or federal unit tasked with enforcement of the laws pertaining to their area of responsibility.

            Unfortunately, this award does not apply to individuals who are employed by private companies or security services.



            Any individual/group who serves in a municipal, county, state, or federal unit tasked with providing the vital link between callers in distress &emergency response team by obtaining essential information to send the appropriate responders to the right location.



            Any individual/group, who served in a municipal, county, state or federal unit tasked with the enforcement of the laws & special handling pertaining to disposal of explosive threats to our nation’s citizens.


All of these candidates must have demonstrated some if not all of the following:

1.       Consistent excellence in the performance of their duties

2.      Consistent dedication to their official responsivities

3.      Continuous growth in their skills and responsibilities with their profession

4.      Recognition by those they serve and their colleagues

5.      Continuing or previous volunteer work for their community

Please fill out and submit the VFW Public Servant Award Citation (included) for all candidates along with the following:

1.       A Photograph from the chest up

2.      One page nomination letter containing the candidate’s or group’s name, title, address, telephone and identifying the award for which the individual/group should be considered to include justification outlining background in the field, accomplishments and awards.

All packets must be submitted to the me by 16 December 2024 for selection. There are two ways you can submit them to:

1.       Via email at with Public Servant Award Citation from (your department name) in the subject line.

2.      Postal Mail at VFW Post 5263

                           Att: 2024-2025 Public Servant Award

                           103 NE 20th Street

                           Lawton, OK 73507


            All candidate packets will be read and judged by an appointed board. One candidate from each category will be chosen and sent up to the VFW National Headquarters by 01 January 2024, where they will be combined with other Oklahoma VFW Public Servant Award Citations. There all candidate packets will be read and judged by an appointed board. One candidate will be chosen from all categories and that candidate will be recognized by the Oklahoma VFW National Headquarters. The candidate will be informed of the recognition date, time and location when they’ve been notified of them winning.


            If you have any further questions, concerns, clarifications, etc please contact me via email at or call my cell phone number at 580-512-0510. Please leave a voicemail if I don’t answer or a text message. Thank you for your continued unwavering support and I look forward to receiving all the packets. May you have a great day.



Ron J. Albert